Justice League #AdvScreening #Giveaway #Sorteo #Liga de la Justicia

unnamed-5 Una de las películas más esperadas del año Justice Leage … sí. La Liga de la Justicia llega a la pantalla grande y para celebrarlo te cuento tu podrías verla antes de que llegue a cines de toda la nación el 17 de noviembre.  3 ganadores por mercado. Las instrucciones Ganadores no tienen que hacer línea sino decir su nombre en una mesa que está dentro del cine.   Asiento garantizados hasta las 6:50 de la noche. Para participar:



Angelo Mercado
Carmelo Perez
Fawaad Javaid
David Aleman
Jesus Vasallo
Alexander Gonzalez
Los Angeles  (SG)
Moises Marquez
Eric Telles
Guadalupe Vengegas
Jonathan Niess
Jonathan Garcia
Rosie Molina
Ron X Marck
Paty Villalobos
Jade Fierro


1.- Enviar un e-mail con tu información incluyendo nombre y dirección a marilumeza80@gmail.com con el hastag #JusticeLeague #yourcity  (don’t forget to put your city). Dont forget to follow me in Twitter @mariluscorner 

2.- Compartir el link con el hastag #JusticeLeague #MarilusCorner #CuéntameloTodo

3.- Invitar a un amigo a que le dé like a la página marilumeza.com en las redes sociales

4.- Decirme Porqué te gustaría ganarte la peli en comentarios de abajo.

*Sorteo valido solo en Estados Unidos  Muy buena suerte!!!!!

Ganadores se dan a conocer el 10 de noviembre….

11/15/2017    7:30 PM        AMC Showplace Cicero        4779 W Cermak Rd   Cicero IL       60804 11/15/2017    7:30 PM        Edwards MarqE Stadium 23 & IMAX 7600 Katy Freeway   Houston         TX          77024 11/15/2017    7:30 PM        Edwards South Gate Stadium 20     8630 Garfield Ave     South Gate    CA          90280 11/15/2017    7:30 PM        Cobb Dolphin 19       11471 NW 12th St.    Miami  FL       33172 11/15/2017    7:30 PM        AMC 34th Street       312 West 34th Street New York      NY      10001https://youtu.be/r9-DM9uBtVI

59 Comentarios

  1. I’d like to win because I’m a big DC fan and this is history in the making. The Justice League is the best!!!

  2. i would like to win because i would like to take my fiancé on a date. our anniversary is on the 14th but unfortunately we both work that day until late. we both love the justice league

  3. Me gustaría ganar estas entradas porque después de ver a Wonder Woman este año no he hecho nada más que anticipar la apertura de la Liga de la Justicia. Vivo todas las cosas Wonder Woman.

  4. Porque tengo un hijo de 30 años y le encantan las peliculas,pero mas esta ,el cuando tenía entre 4 a 5 le gustaba k lo disfraza de Bat Man
    Y del hombre Araña
    Y me encantaría darle la sorpresa de ir junto con el a mirarla,y gracias ,por hacer estos concursos.

  5. I want to win because I grew up a huge fan of The Justice League Comics and cartoons and have been waiting for a movie to be made for years..and it looks awesome..I NEED the chance to see this two days before it is released..I am just so excited.

  6. My Husband and I are HUGE DC fans! We have watched almost every superhero movie ❤️ it’s something we share and always look forward to. We have been counting down the days for the movie him being a Batman fan and myself a Wonder Woman fan we also love the movies Zack Snyder creates so we are curious to see the turnout of these two great things.

  7. me gustaria ver la pelicula porque es la que estado esperando que salga desde el dia que la anunciaron y yo y mi familia somos fans de batman

  8. I would love to win because I’ve been waiting to see Justice League since I first found out about it. I’m a huge Batman and Cyborg fan! Thank you for the opportunity!

  9. Big nerd over here! Wanna send the JL on the big screen finally! See how a movie like this will go without the big S Man.

  10. Me and mu boyfriend have seen all the DC movies and absolutely love them all!! The second we saw the trailer we fell in love!! We even have all the Pop funko vinyl figures for all the justice league members!! I would to be given the opportunity to see my favorite superheroes in the big screen!!❤️❤️❤️

  11. I’ve been a huge, huge fan of the Justice League, from reading the DC comics as a child and I’ve been waiting my whole life to see this movie. I can’t wait!!

  12. I am a big fan of DC Movies. My family and I love in Houston,Tc and with the Hurricane/Flood that happened we would love to see something great and positive! Superheroes!!!! Thank you.

  13. I would love to win because I’m a huge fan of DC comics and this is an incredible cast for the Justice League!

  14. I’d love to win because I’m a huge comic book fan. Since I can remember as a kid, I’d always wanted to see the Justice League on screen and it’s finally happening!!!

  15. Porque creci legendo toos lso comics the Marvel y me encanta los super heros.Y mi hija a legido los viejos comic. Yo la he llevado a todos las peliculas Las dos quisieramos ser un heros un meta. para que nadie puea abusar de nosotras o a nadie.
    WE want to be one of them. we love super heors and metas

  16. Todas las películas superhéroes me encantan! Y cuando se juntan, está mejor. Ya quiero que revivan a Superman! Gracias por la opportunidad.

  17. Yo meresco estas passes porque me encantan las peliculas de los super heroes de los DC y Marvel comics. Cuando era chamaco, compraba todo los comics de Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Batman, y los de Supernan(Superboy, Supergirl, Lois Lane)!

  18. Quisiera ganar asientos garantizados para ver a #JusticeLeague en #Miami con #MariluMeza porque mi super heroe favorita, que es La Mujer Maravilla, es una de las protagonistas y no aguanto mas mi facinacion por ver esta peli #MujerMaravilla #LigadelaJusticia #giveaway #sorteo #Mariluscorner #cuentamelotodo #Advscreening

  19. Please pick me to see the movie in Miami Marilu. Batman is my favorite comic book character, and I’ve been waiting all year to see this movie.

  20. I would like to win because I really enjoyed Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and because I always loved DC comics since I was a little boy. Also, I want to win to take my grandmother for a night out, so she can get out of the house every once in awhile and have a little fun.

  21. Desde niño vengo leyendo las aventuras de el Justice League en los dos idiomas. Ya era hora que se le haga una pelicula a esta legendaria agrupacion! Estoy loco por verla!!!

  22. I would really love to win because of one main reason. My older son . He is 15 and looks up to these super hero’s as his real life hero’s. For there courage and commitment to do what’s right. They inspire him to stay strong and smart and to hopefully become someone just as big as they are in real life to make a change. That’s why I would love to win these tickets so I can take my son to see a great movie with great super hero’s and to show him his dad is also a SUPER HERO by getting these tickets to see it first before it comes out nationwide.

  23. Quisiera ganar boletos para la peli porque soy fanatica del Justice League desde niña. Me encanta Aqua Man y esto muy anciosa para ver Jason Momoa actuando como el super héroe.

  24. I would like to win the contest because I grew up watching the justice league. Seeing the characters come to life is intriguing. I look forward to seeing how well aqua man, flash, cyborg, wonderwoman and Batman work together like they have in the cartoons I grew up watching. I do hope superman will appear as well in this movie because he is my number one favorite and so is aqua man who is not the exact same in appearance as the cartoon but very exotic and the actor chosen is amazing so i look forward to seeing it.

  25. I have been waiting for this movie screening since Wonder Woman. Very excited to see her in action again along with Aquaman and Batman. Can’t wait !!!

  26. My son and I love watching superhero movies.We are looking forward to seeing Cyborgs character debut on the big screen.

  27. Me gustaria ver Justice League porque va ser una pelicula buena y divertida. Yo vi Wonder Woman hace algunos meses y me gusto. Ademas, Wonder Woman va estar en Justice League junto a Superman, Batman, The Flash, Cyborg y Aquaman.

  28. I have waited 17 years to see the Justice League represented on screen. Batman and Superman were my idols growing up and continue to be in decisions I make in life. I want to finally see my childhood on the screen and talk about it with my friends and family and other people I grew up with.

  29. Avengers who?!?!? So many years in the making finally we have this amazing group fighting to save the world. I can not wait to see the justice league show who is boss!

  30. I’ve known this movie was coming for a year now and I’m really excited to see it! Wonder woman is my favorite character.

  31. I would love to win because I love superheros and I think Wonder Woman is badass and can’t wait to see how she owns in the Justice League.

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